Please use the form below to inquire about items you wish to buy or sell. Check out Sell to Us for details on the types of things we are looking for. We respond to all inquiries and most are answered within 24 hours. Please contact us via email or phone if you do not hear back from us after a couple of days. Occasionally our replies will end up in spam folders.
Main Offices: (713) 942-8555 david@david-lackey.com
China & Crystal Desk: (713) 807-8288 china@david-lackey.com
We no longer have an open shop. We sell our merchandise at the Big Red Barn in Round Top, Texas three times a year, in our Lackeyant eBay store, and by appointment. Our offices and warehouse are centrally located in Houston near River Oaks and Greenway Plaza. While we do not have a showroom, if you are looking for something specific, let us know, and we will be glad to meet with you by appointment.